Marjorie Levine, Esq.
Marjorie previously served as an AAF board member, and was voted in as chairperson in 2020. Her passion for conserving the environment brought her to AAF where she is sharing her leadership skills and legal expertise. Marjorie Levine has considerable experience in managing and navigating all phases of complex legal disputes. Professionally, she focused her practice on disputes involving environmental enforcement and litigation as well as a wide range of other fields of interest. She graduated from The George Washington University with a degree in Biology and Environmental Studies and then attended Pace University School of Law where she graduated with an Environmental Law Certificate. She is licensed to practice in Florida, New York and New Jersey.

Capt. Pete Quasius
Vice Chair
Pete Quasius has been an environmental advocate in Florida for almost 30 years and on the staff of Audubon Western Everglades for more than a decade as a voice for restoration, conservation and preservation issues impacting southwest Florida.
After a career in the U.S. Foreign Service Pete retired to a family home on Bonita Beach in 1992 and immersed himself in environmental activities and local political affairs.
Ø Board member of Peace River Audubon
Ø Board member of Audubon of Southwest Florida
Ø Member, advisory committee of the Coastal Watershed Initiative of FGCU's Water School
Ø Member, advisory committee for CHNEP - the Coastal and Heartland National Estuary Partnership.
A sailor and fisherman, he earned a U.S Coast Guard captain's license, joined Everglades Angler Outfitters, established Time’s Fly’N Charters as a fishing guide and joined the board of the Snook Foundation in 2009.
Stimulated by this engagement, Pete became active in environmental and professional organizations concerned with fishery and wildlife habitat and water management issues. Organizations that have benefitted from his commitment are:-
Ø Member of the South Florida Water Management District’s Water Resources Advisory Committee,
Ø Vice-chair of the Angler Action Foundation (which is currently working on a multi-million dollar sea grass restoration in the Caloosahatchee estuary),
Ø President of the southwest Florida chapter of the Isaak Walton League
Ø President of Eco-Voice, Inc. http://www.eco-voice.org/
Among the significant highlights and notable achievements of Pete’s engagement with environmental challenges are: -
Ø He has helped bring billions of state and federal dollars home to southwest Florida for environmental projects including:
Ø The billion dollars plus Lake Okeechobee Watershed Restoration Plan.
Ø The massive billion dollar C-43 west basin reservoir,
Ø Restoration projects at the headwaters of the Caloosahatchee at Lake Hicpochee.
In his private life Pete engages with advocacy on subjects on matters of personal interest:
Ø Advisory committee member for Babcock Ranch Preserve
Ø Program coordinator for Business People United for Political Action.
Pete advocates for protection and recovery efforts in the greater Everglades including the Lake Okeechobee and Charlotte Harbor watersheds, and Florida coastal waters. After decades of making his home on the shores of the Caloosahatchee, he now resides on Babcock Ranch (elevation 33') with his wife Maria.

Mike Green
Vice ChairMike Green was born in Miami and was raised, and still lives, in West Palm Beach. Mike attended the University of Florida and returned home to manage his fathers chemical manufacturing facility. With a business partner they grew and maintained that business for 23 years before deciding to sell to a larger entity.
Mike then began to work for the YMCA of the Palm Beaches in the position of Operations Director. When he left 16 years later, he did so as Executive Director. Having worked both the profit and not-for-profit business worlds, Mike hopes to be worthy addition to the SGF. Mike loves to fish and also spent 25 years coaching youth football and basketball. Mike is married with two grown children.

Brian Conley
Acting Secretary
Brian lives in Houston, Texas, where he is an avid fly angler. He's been a supporter of AAF for two decades, and his passion for healthy fish habitats as well as his willingness to help has led him to the AAF Board. Brian is a business owner and has helped AAF establish research tournaments along coastal Texas.

Brett Fitzgerald
Executive DirectorBrett served as Chairman from 2009-2011, and as Regional Director (SouthEast) for three years prior. He is a contributing editor to Florida Sportsman Magazine, and a special education instructor at in the Palm Beach County school system for 16 years where he promotes an academic curriculum through environmentalism and resource conservation. Brett served in the United States Army in both Intelligence and as a Paratrooper with Special Forces Operations. He attended University of South Florida and holds a Bachelor's and a Masters degree in Communications Sciences and Disorders. He is an avid guitar player, fly tyer, photographer and fisherman. Brett was chosen as Angler Action Foundation's 2009 Person on the Year for his accomplishments on behalf of inshore fishing, and in that year he also completed the book, Sportsman's Best: Snook.