The iAngler research program primarily focusses on understanding the main issues facing recreational anglers today and how can we address them - individually and as a group
iAngler Data Shows Florida Has Fish to Catch, in Spite of Red Tide
Florida Red Tide Stinks. But even now, in the middle of one of the largest blooms most of us can remember, there is good fishing to be had. Data collected through the iAngler Tournament system over the past few years shows that fish are being caught (and released) in good numbers throughout the no-harvest zone, and that includes snook and red drum.Make no mistake: there is no sugar-coating the impacts of red tide in Florida.Read More

Study: Fishers Still Fear Fishing Apps
A recent survey completed by Southwick Associates found that a mere 21% of fishers use any kind of fishing app yet 85% of anglers own a smart phone.While skimming through the article, which came my way via the daily Fishing Wire – my personal favorite companion to my morning coffee unless I am zooming to a pre-dawn fishing hole – I realized that the reasons people gave for not using a fishing app were fairly obvious, but not necessariRead More

2017 Atlantic Red Snapper Season Can Make Everyone a Winner
This past September, the South Atlantic Fishery Management Council (SAFMC) reversed its recent trend of keeping the Atlantic Red Snapper fishery closed to recreational harvest by recommending a short recreational season later this fall. The council also recommended a short season for next summer.Read More

How is AAP data used by researchers?
The Angler Action Program data has been used in a variety of ways, and the uses are growing. In Florida, the data has been used directly in five different stock assessments, starting with a snook assessment in 2012 and most recently the 2016/17 spotted seatrout stock assessment.Read More

The iAngler App
The Angler action program aims to improve the fish habitat using a voluntary community based approach to report your catch logs. The Angler Action portal and apps provide an easy to use method of recording your trips as well as each fish. Create Trips Create a Trip with to keep the logs of one trip togetherRead More