Here are some interesting dates related to snook management history:
Snook haul seines made illegal in Lee County.
Snook haul seines made illegal in Collier County.
Minimum size set at 18 inches fork length.
Snook made illegal to buy or sell.Capture by hook and line only. Bag limit set at four snook per day, eight snook possession limit.
Bag limit reduced to two snook per day, two snook possession limit. No snook less than 26 inches fork length may be taken in June or July during 1982-1986.
June & July of 1982 closed to snook possession.
January and February 1983-1986, closed to snook possession. June and July 1983-1986 closed to snook possession.
January, February, June and July closed permanently to snook possession. August 1985-1986 closed to snook possession. Minimum size increased to 24 inches total length. Only one snook may be greater than 34 inches total length.
All species in the genus Centropomus covered by the regulations. August is closed permanently to snook possession. - All snook to be landed whole. Use of treble hooks prohibited with natural baits.
Closed winter season changed to December 15th through January 31st.
Slot limit is set at 26 inches minimum / 34 inches maximum total length.
Possession limit reduced to one snook and May closed to snook possession on West Coast of Florida only. East Coast of Florida not changed.
Minimum size increased to 27 inches total length. 34 inches maxiumum total length not changed. Total length defined as the straight line distance from the most forward point of the head with the mouth closed, to the farthest tip of the tail with the tail compressed or squeezed, while the fish is lying on its side
Slot and bag limit, and open seasons, reduced per above.
Cold kill necessitated temporary closure of snook to harvest.
AnglerAction data used in the updated Snook Stock Assessment.